A light, yet hearty citrus salad with microgreens recipe is perfect for clean eating. Our microgreens recipe...
This cilantro lime shrimp microgreens recipe can be prepared as a light and flavorful appetizer or as the main...
Looking for the perfect holiday cocktail microgreens recipe? Infinite Harvest — the Denver-based producer...
A wedge salad is a perfect healthy and hearty meal for winter. Ian Niedzwiedz, Culinary Director of Il Porcellino...
Beyond being packed with super amounts of flavor, microgreens are full of tons of nutrition. But what’s more...
Pumpkin is a delicious and nutritional powerhouse menu item for fall and winter. Serendipity Catering, who prefer...
Whole Foods Market in 7 States Will Now Offer Infinite Harvest’s Hydroponic Microgreens LAKEWOOD, Colo....
How long do microgreens last after harvest? As a general rule, purchased microgreens typically last 10-12 ...
Chef Preston Phillips of Grind Kitchen uses Infinite Harvest Living Bibb Lettuce in his signature Strawberry...
This month Infinite Harvest's "Chef Spotlight" features Chef Preston Phillips of GRIND Kitchen + Watering Hole....
Infinite Harvest is an indoor hydroponic vertical farm located in Lakewood, Colorado. We sell our products to local restaurants, grocery stores, and distributors along the Colorado front range. Also available for purchase online.