
BibbLettuce Profile

Bibb lettuce is generally synonymous with the varietals Butterhead or Boston lettuce and is categorized as a head lettuce.

It is an alternative to iceberg lettuce which has very little, if any, nutritional value.

BibbLettuce Benefits

All Infinite Harvest lettuces are “living lettuces” and are sold with their small root balls still attached to the lettuce head. This allows moisture and nutrients to continue to feed the lettuce, which increases freshness and shelf life..

Like Infinite Harvest’s other lettuces, our Living Bibb Lettuce has A, C, and K.

Basil Microgreens Vitamins

Bibb Lettuce

LivingBibb Lettuce Recipes

Living Bibb Lettuce can be used in a variety salad recipes or layered into wraps and sandwiches.

Where to Buy Infinite Harvest

Infinite Harvests’ microgreens and living lettuces can be ordered online and picked up at the company’s vertical farm in Lakewood, CO Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Infinite Harvest microgreens are available for purchase at select grocery stores along the Colorado front range and at over 30 Whole Foods Market locations in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Texas.